Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Casino Royale Opening Title Sequence. Bridget Long

During thursday's lesson we were introduced to the website the website has many opening sequences of movies which are viewable to everyone and comments can be made about them whether it is criticism or praise. I decided to look at and evaluate the opening of Casino Royale as it appears to be one of the more popular opening sequences and also one that i enjoy.

The opening of Casino Royale uses animation however still included the main character not as a cartoon which creates a 3D effect. During the opening we get a sense of what the film is going to be about, what type of genre it is and are briefly introduced to the main character. The gun is a main feature of the opening sequence as it establishes clearly the genre of the film while also providing a launch pad for animation. We are introduced ot the setting of the central city of London through the animation also which informs the audience of the type of area it will be set in. Death and danger is shown in the introduction also by the dripping blood which is a convention to the genre of action thriller, this creates excitement for the audience while also creatin dramatic effect.
I believe that the opening sequence is successful in enticing the audience and preparing them for what it will entale. The music i think also creates effect and makes it even better. I like the animation side as the credits role. I found the website very interesting, enjoyed watching several openings and what other people had commented on different openings, seeing their thoughts and opinions on what they thought had worked well and hadn't.

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